Thursday, August 9, 2007

Student Review of Point Juncture, WA's "Pearl of the Quarter"

Point Juncture, Wa. is popular for its brilliant music and lyrics to compliment each chord. "Pearl of the Quarter" has a smooth rhythm and insightful lyrics, that are full of feeling. These are only some reasons I enjoyed this song.
The music was great and it blended perfectly with the quiet and somber lyrics ("Where do sailors spend their hard earned pay?/ I walked alone down the miracle mile"). Each crescendo was perfectly executed and nobody was too overbearing.
"Pearl of the Quarter" gets a thumbs up. You can listen to this song on MySpace at

Overall: The music and lyrics set each other off perfectly and make a winning combination. :D

This Blog was brought to you by Rock Camp Student "Tracey", with the Rock Journalism group.

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